Wednesday 22 February 2012

considering i'm 21yrs old now.....i still don't get life!!! everyone has their own definition of life... they say there's a purpose behind your life...i seriously doubt it! what's the purpose of my life? i mean we all are important in the little world of our own (our families) but outside that we're nothing. it doesn't matter to someone else outside, our social circle, if we live or die.. we can be easily replaced by anyone be it in our school,college or at work... one goes and 10 more are ready to be at his place(not that it's their fault).why is there so much fuss about "LIFE"!!!

I've seen a man.He live on the streets.I'm not sure if he talks or not,i've never seen him talking to anyone...i doubt if he's even taken a bath in the last 2-3yrs...he's always in the same tattered clothes..  and i'm sure that at times he must not even get food to fill up his stomach.. he's always alone..lost in himself,completely ignorant of the world around this "LIFE"???

i really don't get life!!!! :(


  1. 21 is a little young...but keep questioning and after a decade or so life might start to keep throwing some answers at you...but hey! its very moody so don't be upset if you don't still figure life out.

    There is something very interesting about you...put up a little more information about your name...keep a pen name if that will keep you happy...and remove the word verification.

    Will wait for more posts by you.
